• Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600016

  • info@dynoconv.com

  • +91 44 4550 4086

DynoConv Product Sourcing

DynoConv Engineering’s extensive contacts and product sourcing expertise helps you tap into the world of unlimited potential to satisfy your key needs. With experts assisting and handholding every part of the process, you are assured of high-product quality, match to specifications, fair pricing and short turnaround times for your needs.

We take pride in collaborating with customers, understanding their implicit and explicit needs, coming up with proactive suggestions and solutions and achieving shared success.

With India emerging as a global manufacturing hub, we play a key role in making the make in India vision a reality with our outsourcing expertise, knowledge in manufacturing and export-related matters, design and machining capability.

Our capabilities include but are not limited to

Product Sourcing

New Supplier development

Cost & requirement analysis

Negotiation & contracting

Vendor identification

Vender Evaluation

Vender Development

Process improvement

Order follow-up

In-process Quality checks

Pre-shipment inspection

Logistics assistance

Quotations submissions for RFQ’s